VFX Rotoscoping is often explained as “just tracing an object in video or film.”

But there’s way more to it.

Roto is a job, a craft, a product, and a community of people contributing to the larger mission of entertaining audiences using visual effects.This space is dedicated to the people who spend their days in VFX Roto: artists, coordinators, supervisors, producers, AI/ML segmentation developers, and anyone interested in Roto.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning may someday end the job of manually-created roto. AI / ML may replace all manually created VFX.

But, as long as people need other people to create Roto, we will have challenges to solve. That is the purpose of this website: improve the professional lives of the VFX Roto community by tackling our challenges. Bit by bit.

May the Fourth Be With You!

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